What is a Calligraphy Cut & Why You need One!
The Calligraphy Cut, created by the German hairstylist Frank Brormann, revolutionized cutting hair. This unique technology uses a patented pen with a flat blade called a calligraph. This blade slices your hair at a 21-degree angle while optimizing the surface amount of hair cut at one time. Instead of using scissors for a dull straight across cut the calligraph slices hair like a flower stem, giving your hair buoyancy, and softness which allows it to become more voluminous! The calligraphy cut is amazing for women and men with fine and thin hair! It will add volume, strength, and shine. The cut is even great for people with normal, healthy hair that just want to add some extra volume or prevent split ends.
Hear The Benefits from Our JA Stylist
As a hairstylist working at Joseph Anthony for 10 years, I truly love what I do. When I came across The Calligraphy Pen, a new tool and great way of cutting hair, I needed to know more! Calligraphy cuts are for everyone. Whether you have long hair, short hair, thick or thin, straight, wavy, or curly, every cut can be designed to fit all your needs and help with your problem areas! The Calligraphy Pen changed my career for the better. Once I had the pen in my hands, I knew it was something special. This invention was going to change the way I cut hair for the rest of my life! It’s not just about “the cut” it’s about the experience and the final result! I can sit down with any client with any type of hair and explain in detail how this extraordinary cutting tool and experience will change the way you look and feel about your hair! Call us today to set up your Calligraphy Experience and see it all for yourself.
– Davin
Scheduling Your Calligraphy Cut
The cost of the cut only increases by $40 and provides you with long-lasting volume and shine. Joseph Anthony is the first salon in PA that is licensed to perform this cut. Call us at 610-459-4663 or schedule online here https://josephanthony.com/book-online to set up your Calligraphy Cut appointment!
Jakaitis, Elizabeth. “New Technique: Calligraphy Cut Creates Volumized, Textured Hair with Specially-Designed Angled Blade – News.” Modern Salon, 26 Oct. 2015, www.modernsalon.com/article/33337/new-technique-calligraphy-cut-creates-volumized-textured-hair-with-specially-designed-angled-blade.